Come on down, we go on at 6pm 🤘🏼
Come on down, we go on at 6pm 🤘🏼
Here’s the link Path video
We play at 9:45pm at the redwood bar and grill right before Trashy Annie 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Come on over for a good time at Live Wire, we go on at 8pm CHICAGO!!!!
This is truly an honor to join forces with Savage Lands to help create a better environment for all of us, find out more on their site
Blvd of Eyes goes on at 8pm!!!!
I am so honored to be part of such a beautiful project!!!! Every listen gives back to the land!!!! Watch the video here BlackRock
We made the trek to the desert and the trip was worth it! Such a blast playing frogees bar last night!!!
We had a guest guitarist Nils Courberon for our first parisian show with Blvd of Eyes, stay tuned for videos coming soon on my youtube channel
We talked about art, music and metal, but I also had the honor of speaking to 2nd year students of the Parisian fashion school Esmod